These are very fearful creatures, so be very careful when you approach them. These birds are very fearful, so you have to be careful not to scare them away. btw i'm russian, apologies for my english 54 Related Topics A total of $760 Exotic Hat Algernon's Revolver Location Map Click to enlarge. 5 Little Egret Plumes 5 Reddish Egret Plumes 5 Snowy Egret Plumes 15 Lady of the Night Orchids: $110: 2:. Quest 1 Talk to Algernon and he will ask for the following items. On top of that, you’ll have to pay an $800 fee. 0:00 / 2:09 RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 - Little Egret Location (Little Egret Plume Perfect Egret Carcass Location) CONE 11 491K subscribers Join Subscribe 34K views 4 years ago #RDR2 #CONE11. Studying and skinning the Little Egret is required for the "Zoologist" and "Skin Deep" Achievements. Where can Egret Plumes be sold. Question. 5 little egret plumes, 5 reddish egret plumes, 5 snowy egret . ago. 0k. Upon completion of this task, Algernon will reward the player with 100 dollars. To complete the first request, you will have to gather 5 Little Egret Plumes, 5 Reddish Egret Plumes, 5 Snowy Egret Plumes, and 15 Lady of the Night Orchids. Snowy Egret Trinket is one of the charms you can buy from Gus in Red Dead Online. If. RDR2 - Quick video guide showing locations where I found Snowy, Reddish, & Little Egret birds fairly regularly in Red Dead Redemption 2. Collecting Little. Asked by Rusto321, December 27, 2018. 3. . . If you’re looking for egret plumes in Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ll find them in the swampy regions of the map. List #1 The first list that he wants is: Little Egret Plumes x5 Reddish Egret Plumes x5 Snowy Egret Plumes x5 Lady of the Night Orchids x15 Overall, it doesn't sound bad at all! The. To complete the Exotics in RDR2 you must first accept the Stranger Mission “Duchesses and other Animals” by Algernon Wasp in the north of Saint Denis. 10), Perfect Egret Carcass (3. advertisement. But I still kinda enjoyed it. . advertisement. Egret plumes broken. Studying and skinning the Little Egret is required for the "Zoologist" and "Skin Deep" Achievements. In order to get it, you’ll need a snowy egret plume and a Braxton amethyst necklace. 15), Reddish Egret Plume (2. The Reddish Egret can be found in the swampland of Bayou Nwa. Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near. The plume from a Snowy Egret can be used for crafting, and their carcass can be. Just north around Saint Denis, players. I currently have 2 Snowy Egret, 6 Reddish Egret, and 3 Little Egret Plumes that I cant get rid of they don’t sell at any butchers 🙄 Do they only sell by sets of. . Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near the water's edge. . They all can spawn within the red zone marked on the below mapat daytime (westside of the Bayou). Flower locations Contents 1 Story 2 Walkthrough 3 Video Walkthrough 4 Trivia 5 Trophies/Achievements 6 Navigation Story The first list that he wants is: Little Egret Plumes x5. After plucking all of them, save the game and load, this will spawn new egrets immediatly. I’ve gotten thru the first of the dudes requests for exotics before. Studying and skinning the Little Egret is required for the "Zoologist" and "Skin Deep" Achievements. r/reddeadredemption. The birds (egrets, herons, spoonbills) all spawn in the Bayou area near the quest giver as the maps in the guide below will show. 5 little egret plumes, 5 reddish egret plumes, 5 snowy egret . . Lady Slipper Orchids x7. Poor Elk Pelt sells for $2. It's best to snipe them from afar with Dead Eye. You can also find them in the Bayou Nwa, but they’re much harder to spot. Lady of the night. Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near the water's edge. List #1 The first list that he wants is: Little Egret Plumes x5 Reddish Egret Plumes x5 Snowy Egret Plumes x5 Lady of the Night Orchids x15 Overall, it doesn't sound bad at all! The. Our red dead redemption 2 exo. This animal can be hunted and skinned. 2. advertisement. Collecting Little. Question. Outfit 3 is the Snowy Egret. 10; Perfect Egret Carcass sells for $3. The Little Egret is an exotic bird in Red Dead Redemption 2. 15; Gamey Bird Meat sells for $0. 75; Little Egret Plume sells for $2. 15), Reddish Egret Plume (2. Join. advertisement. Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near the water's edge. Reply . . This time, it took a bit but I got Little and Snowy Egrets, no problem. You can find them around the Lagris Islands. The best place to look for egrets is along the riverbanks or in the trees. The Little Egret is a Moderate -sized bird of the Egret species, featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. Loot Dropped (Sell Price): Gamey Bird Meat (0. So far I've found 7 each of the Small Egret and Snowy Egret, 16 Herons, and 6 Spoonbills, but I haven't found a single Reddish Egret. You can get the snowy egret plume from the snowy egret, a bird native to the Bayou Nwa and Bluewater Marsh, the swampy areas north of Saint Denis. com 1- Make sure it's day time (7:00 to 17:59), sleep if necessary; 2- Go to one of these 3 spots: ; 3- Stand where the redmark is in the screenshot (step 2); 4- If there's no bird, save the game and load this same save; 5- You'll respawn near, with birds spawned in the area; Egrets can be found in Bayou Nwa, north of Saint Denis, along the water's edges. RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU. Sean McGuire is found north-west of Rhodes within a small group of trees next to the waterfront. Rdr2 617. The plants are not too bad if you know exactly where they are located. . View our Cheats for Infinite Ammo, Spawn Weapons and more. Lady Slipper Orchids. Rdr2 617. Part 3 - Upon returning to Algernon, the player is given a second list of items. Part of the Duchess &. Rdr2 617. Question. The. /r/RedDeadRedemption - A subreddit dedicated to Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, the creators behind the Grand Theft Auto series. The Little Egret is an exotic bird in Red Dead Redemption 2. Heron Plumes. Reddish Egret Plumes x5. 5 Little Egret Plumes - in the area marked on the screen above you should come across little egrets. A good spot I found for all three is in the west end of Bayou Nwa, west of the "Bayou Nwa" text and right before the railroad track. • 5 yr. . Spent a whole day looking for these little buggers, and now (with a few reloaded saves) I have all bar one in an hour! Cheers! Reply SanjiX7. The birds can be farmed in specific places where they spawn at day. The birds (egrets, herons, spoonbills) all spawn in the Bayou area near the quest giver as the maps in the guide below will show. The Little Egret is an exotic bird in Red Dead Redemption 2. 50). You are going to receive $ 760, Hat, Revolver as rewards for completing this RDR2 stranger mission. Our red dead redemption 2 exo. Furthermore, nests of Gator Eggs can also be. The Little Egret's main habitat is the swampland of Bayou Nwa. This animal can be hunted and skinned. png 01 little egret. I got the 3 feathers now. Once the cutscene ends, inspecting the list reveals that Algernon needs: 5 Little Egret Plumes; 5 Reddish Egret Plumes; 5 Snowy Egret Plumes; 15 Lady of the Night Orchid; All three species can be found in the swamps at noon. Slightly northeast of shady belle on the tiny islands there have given me the most luck. 00), Poor Egret Carcass (1. Heron Plumes x20. Red Dead Redemption II Download Now RDR 2: “Duchesses and Other Animals” Guide At some point during Chapter 4, players have the option to meet with Algernon Wasp, an exotics collector, at his shop in Saint Denis. Furthermore, nests of Gator Eggs can also be. the little egrets are one of the species. Lady of the Night Orchids x15. The Little Egret is a Moderate -sized bird of the Egret species, featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. Red Dead Redemption II Download Now RDR 2: “Duchesses and Other Animals” Guide At some point during Chapter 4, players have the option to meet with Algernon Wasp, an exotics collector, at his shop in Saint Denis. Kieren Duffy can be found directly east of Braithwaite manor 5. For this task, make sure you have a Varmint Rifle handy. The great blue heron inhabits the wet and grassy marshlands of Lemoyne. advertisement. save. I find a ton of them in the swampy marsh area between Shady Bell and that abandoned building by the train tracks bridge that goes into San Denis. Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near the water's edge. If you go hunting and get more plumes, you can sell them to the butcher. I got all my egret plumes from this exact spot. Red Dead Redemption 2: Animal Parts Selling Guide If players caught our previous Red Dead Redemption 2 Hunting Guide, they should be swimming in perfect animal parts by now. . If you're lucky with spawns, this can be done in 30 minutes to 1 hour. . 0 coins. The plume from a Little Egret can be used for crafting, and their carcass can be sold. So it goes in "Red Dead Redemption 2. 00. A total of $760 Exotic Hat Algernon's Revolver Location Map Click to enlarge. Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near the water's edge. Herons can be found primarily in Bayou Nwa, though some are found on the coast of Scarlett Meadows. 5 x Little Egret Plumes: There are 3 types of egrets (birds) and you need to skin them for their feathers. Found near the Kamassa River in Bayou Nwa, they frequently appear in groups with other egrets near the water's edge. 5 Little Egret Plumes - in the area marked on the screen above you should come across little egrets. Advertisement Coins. These include: 20 Heron Plumes (found in Bayou. Search by. They only spawn in a few specific places. 5 x Little Egret Plumes; 5 x Reddish Egret Plumes; All of the above Plumes can be found in the following location: It will take about an hour in this one spot to farm all of the needed birds. To complete the first request, you will have to gather 5 Little Egret Plumes, 5 Reddish Egret Plumes, 5 Snowy Egret Plumes, and 15 Lady of the Night Orchids. Archived. The quest becomes available during Chapter 4 . In Eagle Eye they will glow brightly, making them a bit easier to pick out. . About the Author. Artemis Tau 0 Posted August 26,. Ped Details. Little Egret Details & Location: 85K views 2 years ago. Their plume can be used for crafting, and their carcass can be sold to traders. Egret Plumes; For this first mission, you will need to collect 15 plumes from rare egrets. In order to get it, you’ll need a snowy egret plume and a Braxton amethyst necklace. 25), Flight Feather (0. I had one from a few months back already. RDR2 Online - All Egret Locations:Little Egret, Snowy Egret, Reddish EgretThe Egrets can be found in the swampland of Bayou Nwa. . Egret. No, No and Thrice, No is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. November 23, 2018 in Red Dead Redemption 2 Share Followers 0 16 Posted November 23, 2018 Trying to do the "Duchesses and other animals" stranger thread and im having way too much trouble finding and hunting the 3 different types of egrets. . Reddish Egret Plumes? NOTHING has worked. Little Egret Plumes. . The Little Egret is an exotic bird in Red Dead Redemption 2. Limited availability (You can save some but not all) (There are no plans to improve that as it would cause an. 5 x Little Egret Plumes: There are 3 types of egrets (birds) and you need to skin them for theirfeathers. The plume from a Little Egret can be used for crafting, and their carcass can be sold. 50; Elk. It’s just a bug.