Jurupa valley municipal code. Municipal Code. Jurupa valley municipal code

Municipal CodeJurupa valley municipal code 05 of this Code

No. Parking area landscaping shall include shade trees from the "Jurupa Valley Guide to Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers", unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director,. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. Public access is not required if each parcel created is forty (40) acres or more or is a quarter (¼) of a quarter (¼) section. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. 240. 2011-02, hereinafter "permittee") moving or causing to be moved more than five hundred (500) cubic yards of earth material per project from or to the site of a grading operation on any public roadway within the City of Jurupa Valley shall be subject to. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. City Documents & Forms. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. Departments. Latest version. 17) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. 135. City of Jurupa Valley Ordinances. 65. Contact Us. A. CHAPTER 9. Sec. Chapter 4. Jurupa Valley: Code of Ordinances: Title 1. 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; Ordinances for Jurupa Valley, CA Municipal Code. Parking area landscaping shall include shade trees from the "Jurupa Valley Guide to Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers", unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director,. 75 (development impact fee) of the jurup a municipal code to clarify that the method for calculating development impact fees for retail/service/office, business park, and industrial uses shall be based on the square footage of the building, and to clarify that fees for. No. Uses permitted. 15. - CODE ADOPTED. CHAPTER 9. ( Supp. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE. 240. 240. - GENERAL PROVISIONS. Manager, or his or her designee, for the purposes of enforcement of this title as amended by the City of Jurupa Valley, including, but not limited to, the current home telephone number of the. - ZONING DISTRICTS. 15 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code. 15 (Prohibition of Short-Term Rentals) is hereby added to Title 4 (Miscellaneous Regulations) of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code to read as follows: “Chapter 4. 280. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790;The people of the City of Jurupa Valley find and declare the following: (1) In 1996, the voters of the State of California approved Proposition 215 (codified as California Health and Safety Code Section 11362. Code Section 65300 et seq. Jurupa Valley is a General Law city governed by a five-member City Council. Work means any grading, clearing, brushing or grubbing or any other activity permitted under any approved plan. 9. - Severability. View All Meetings × Close. 9. - introductory provisions and. B. 75. SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified. 17) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Municipal Code. 05. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. 9. 4 Violation and penalties. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Title 2 - ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL;. - purchasing; chapter 3. - R-2 ZONE (MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS) Show Changes. 10. 45 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code. - ADVERTISING REGULATIONS . 65. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction. 15 PROHIBITION OF SHORT-TERM RENTALS Sections:. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction; title 9. - R-2 ZONE (MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS) Sec. 5, and entitled "The Compassionate Use Act of 1996" or "CUA"). 17) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Pursuant to Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 1 (Gov. he City of Jurupa Valley offers easy online access to public documents through its record library. more . 230 ("expiration of approved tentative maps and vesting tentative maps - extension of time") of chapter 7. 05 of this Code. City of Jurupa Valley - Zoning March 2022 Jurupa Rd Galena St Limonite A ve R i v e r v i e w D r 58th St 56th St Bellegrave A ve Ri v er si d e D r Market St Opal St G r a n i t e Hi l Dr Armstrong Rd 46th St Pyrite St Felspar St 34th St R u b i d o u x B l v d W allace St V alley W ay Pacific R-R A ve Peralta Pl C r e s t m o r e R d S i e r. The purpose of this chapter is to give meaning and effect to state commercial cannabis laws, provide a limited exemption from enforcement of the City's prohibition on commercial cannabis activity, as set forth in City of Jurupa Valley Ordinance No. 2023-04, enacted February 16, 2023. 180 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code, Ordinance No. Any person (as defined in Section 1. 55. 155. 2023-04, enacted February 16, 2023. ( Supp. - Phasing. Parking area landscaping shall include shade trees from the "Jurupa Valley Guide to Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers", unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director,. The City Council finds that as Riverside County and the City of Jurupa Valley continue to grow and become more urbanized many streets and bridges within residential areas are not suitable for use by certain vehicles. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023 (current) Jurupa Valley, CA Municipal Code. an ordinance of the city of jurupa valley, california amending title 9 of the jurupa valley municipal code to (1) amend or establish standards for accessory dwelling units, supportive housing, residential care facilities for seven or more, group homes, large, emergency shelters, density bonus, and reasonable accommodation; (2) allow supportive. Pursuant to Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 1 (Gov. 05. - Development standards. ( Supp. 115. (b) Section 9. The planning agency shall perform all functions required by state law and this chapterMunicipal CodeSupplement 17Online content updated on April 3, 2023. ), the planning agency for the city shall consist of the City Council, the City. 100. City Council Agendas & Minutes. Any person violating the provisions of this section of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code, or its successor sections, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor unless, in the discretion of the City Attorney, the violation is prosecuted as an infraction as provided in Chapter 1. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. more . City Documents & Forms. The following uses are permitted: (1) One (1) family dwellings. Public Information & Notices. 01. 2011-02, hereinafter "permittee") moving or causing to be moved more than five hundred (500) cubic yards of earth material per project from or to the site of a grading operation on any public roadway within the City of Jurupa Valley shall be subject to. an ordinance of the city of jurupa valley, california amending title 9 of the jurupa valley municipal code to (1) amend or establish standards for accessory dwelling units, supportive housing, residential care facilities for seven or more, group homes, large, emergency shelters, density bonus, and reasonable accommodation; (2) allow supportive. an ordinance of the city of jurupa valley, california, amending the jurupa valley municipal code to establish a new airport zone classification, establish permitted land uses and development standards for the airport zone, and make other conforming changes to title 9 of the jurupa valley municipal code, and finding an exemption from ceqa under. In order to comply with the Santa Ana Region Water Quality Control Board’s MS4 Permit and the EPA’s NPDES, the City of Jurupa Valley must perform storm water and non-storm water inspections of local businesses. 25. Community Events & Information. more . - W-2 ZONE (CONTROLLED DEVELOPMENT AREAS) Show Changes. Contact Us. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions. - Nonconforming building. Jurupa Valley Municipal Code, to amend the permit requirements for family day care homes. 05 of this Code. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Title 2 -. 17)Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. - C-N ZONE (COMMERCIAL-NEIGHBORHOOD) Sec. - DEFINITIONS | Municipal Code | Jurupa Valley, CA | Municode Library. 1. more . 40. 15. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. 9. - C-T ZONE (TOURIST COMMERCIAL) Sec. 020. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. ( Supp. Municipal Code;. (2). chapter 7. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. 05. City Documents & Forms. Community Events & Information. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Codified through Ordinance No. Thus, exempted commercial cannabis activity conducted in accordance with Chapter 11. The results of the inspection can be discussed directly with you at the time of inspection. - DESIGN STANDARDS. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 -. Jurupa Valley, CA Municipal Code. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. Latest version. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023 (current) Jurupa Valley, CA Municipal Code. 2018-14, § 2(17. Municipal Code Corporation. an ordinance of the city of jurupa valley, california amending title 9 of the jurupa valley municipal code to (1) amend or establish standards for accessory dwelling units, supportive housing, residential care facilities for seven or more, group homes, large, emergency shelters, density bonus, and reasonable accommodation; (2) allow supportive. BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION: Chapter 8. Jurupa Valley is a General Law city governed by a five-member City Council. 9. City Council Agendas & Minutes. Public Information & Notices. CHAPTER 9. 70. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Title 2 - ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL; Title 3 - REVENUE AND FINANCE; Title 4 - MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS; Title 5 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS. 05. The use of a building or land which was legal when established, but which because of the adoption or amendment of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived conflicts with the provisions of this chapter applicable to the district in which such use is located. 010. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. The Jurupa Valley Municipal Code establishes the City's regulations concerning various topics. an ordinance of the city of jurupa valley amending the jurupa valley municipal code eliminating expansion or establishment of truck intensive uses in various commercial, industrial, and manufacturing zones, adopting additional development standards for certain truck intensive uses, and finding an exemption from ceqa under. The ordinance codified in this chapter is adopted to implement school facilities land dedication and fee requirements in the city, pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 4. Municipal Code. 10. 10. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction; title 9. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions. This chapter shall be cited as the administrative provisions to Title 8 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code, and shall apply to all referenced and adopted codes in Title 8, including the Construction Codes, unless otherwise provided. Public Information & Notices. chapter 7. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction; title 9. - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONE (PUD) Sec. 100. Close. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. 45. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. ( Ord. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023 (current) Jurupa Valley, CA Municipal Code. Register Your Business. - investment of monies; chapter 3. - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONE (PUD) Sec. 8. 9. 020. chapter 7. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction; title 9. Departments. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. Title 2 - ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL. A. - M-H ZONE (MANUFACTURING-HEAVY) Show Changes. Municipal Code. 25. 030. No. Project Findings.